"A cloud does not know why it moves in just such a direction and at such a speed; it feels an impulsion... this is the place to go now. But the sky knows the reason and the patterns behind all clouds, and you will know, too, when you lift yourself high enough to see beyond horizons."   ~Richard Bach

Fifteen years of counseling experience on both sides of the Atlantic allow me to assert with confidence that astrology is not only a tool that helps you "see beyond the horizon." It is the most powerful tool for finding harmony, happiness and success. Astrologers know that fate is not a narrow path. It's a wide street. You can walk on the patchy rainy side, or you can walk on the paved sunny side. The choice is always there! And it is up to you!


Monthly Horoscope
General characteristic of the month. Forecast for April 2018
Horoscope for the year
Astrological background of 2018 - the year of Venus. The main astrological aspects and influences. Forecast for the year for the signs of the Zodiac.
Horoscope of birth on-line
Individual horoscope of birth on-line. Learn the positions of the planets and houses of your horoscope.
Monthly Horoscope
General characteristic of the month. Forecast for April 2018
Horoscope for the year
Astrological background of 2018 - the year of Venus. The main astrological aspects and influences. Forecast for the year for the signs of the Zodiac.
Horoscope of birth on-line
Individual horoscope of birth on-line. Learn the positions of the planets and houses of your horoscope.


Секстиль Нептуна и Плутона ч.2
Секстиль Нептуна и Плутона - аспект длительный. И Нептун, и Плутон связаны с коллективными энергиями, но Нептун - это первобытный хаос, а Плутон - социальное образование, структурное, подчиненное определенным законам. Нептун - это коллективное бессознательное, весь опыт человечества. Плутон - это воля и власть.
Секстиль Нептуна и Плутона ч.1
Вера в высшую справедливость и законы мироздания, чувство Высшего присутствия, вера в своих Богов дают людям необходимую духовную силу для преодоления любых трудностей. Сейчас, когда старый мир умирает и рождается новый, как будто специально в помощь человечеству возвращается гармоничный аспект Нептуна и Плутона.
Cinderella gates 2022 - 2023
Коридор затмений закрылся, а последствия остаются с нами. Затмения обозначили неизбежность глобальных перемен и необходимость взятия ответственности. Только так можно рассчитывать, что по итогу мы останемся в плюсе.
Lilit in Cancer
15 апреля Лилит входит в Рак и пробудет в нем до 8 января 2023 года. Эта фиктивная точка имеет большое влияние, как в гороскопах рождения, так и в транзитах. 


What are you doing here?

Sometimes it seems that life doesn't make sense. This is a great misconception. Life has both meaning and purpose. Each soul in this incarnation has quite specific goals and objectives. It also has challenges at the internal level and tasks in the external world. And everything that happens to us during the course of life leads us to the realization of our birth plan.


Annual forecast and analysis of current situation

The service offers general characteristics of the period, tendencies of the coming year in the main life spheres, and expected changes and events.

Business astrology

The consultation is aimed at planning and developing the business, solving current problems, increasing profits, and minimizing risks.


The accuracy of the time of birth significantly affects the quality of forecasting and the effectiveness of consultations. Identifying the exact time of birth is the goal of the rectification procedure.
Astrological compatibility analysis

The consultation helps better understand the partner and the self, the mutual needs and expectations in the relationship, as well as the pros, cons, and prospects of the union.

Astrological analysis and prognosis in the sphere of personal life
The consultation is for those who face long or repetitive difficulties in their relationships or a lack of personal relationships; includes a detailed analysis, recommendations, and a forecast for three years. 
Career Guidance
The consultation covers the areas of individual abilities/talents, career suggestions, financial success, suitable education, business abilities and prospects, and periods suitable for activity.