Man is a pair of beings. Even the most inveterate hermits and wolves / wolves-singles secretly dream of a partner who will organically fit into their special world. The bad news is that it is not easy to meet a suitable person, it requires certain efforts and some years of waiting. The good news is that there is a couple in this world for everyone.
Another good news is there are times when you meet a couple and start a relationship easier and faster than usual. This blessed time is the transit of Venus on the sign of Libra. The positive effect extends to established alliances. There is an opportunity to improve relations, to reach a new level of mutual understanding, to overcome differences and crises.
Venus in Libra from August 7 to September 9. Anyone who is interested in acquiring or strengthening partnerships needs to use this period. This applies to business and creative unions. Any situations and cases involving pairing. Even hostile attitudes and litigation at this time have a chance of finding a solution that suits both sides. The best time for world agreements.
There is no more aesthetic sign in the Zodiac than Libra. So the themes of beauty and creativity receive special support. Who creates in art - there is a chance to create something masterpiece. The rest create themselves, their image, their world. This is a great period for light fishing.
With surgery, due to the retrograde nature of Mars and Mercury, it is worthwhile to wait. And injection procedures, threads, care, all hardware cosmetology will definitely add beauty. What are the risks of retrograde? That repetitions are probable. Therefore, those procedures that you did earlier and will do in the future are appropriate. Other regular beauty rituals (haircuts, paints, manicures, pedicures, eyelashes, etc.), experiments with style promise excellent results.
Demonstrate them best at secular events, exhibitions, in theaters, at film premiers. And also in all other places where there are people. Come out "in people" more often. Do you remember the old Leninist "art must belong to the people"? And beauty - even more so. And, if you have not yet met your couple, CARPE DIEM - catch the moment! All beauty and happiness!