Horary technology allows you to quickly, efficiently, and very specifically answer the question posed. An important condition is that the situation should be urgent and relevant. On general questions (whether I will marry? when will I get rich?) horary astrology does not respond. Examples of horary questions: Will the deal be concluded? Will I get this job? Which of the two jobs should I choose? (You will describe both jobs - you make the decision yourself) Should I buy this apartment/car? How does he feel about me? What is the future of our relationship? Should I choose this or that? (information for decision) Will I be able to win? Will we get married? Do I need to accept a job offer / business? Do I have to go on a trip? Will this education help me in my career? Will the deal be profitable? You can ask similar questions about loved ones.
In a number of cases, I consider not only a horary horoscope but also a birth horoscope. In this consultation, it is advisable to ask a question by phone or leave it on the answering machine. Additionally, the question should be duplicated to the mail with the birth data.